Mr. Charlie & Mrs. China Cojuangco (The Church Wedding)
Congressman Charlie & China Cojuangco wanted everything spontaneous. No directed shots. Which we love doing. To capture moments in the raw, to keep it real, yet heartfelt. So we have to be on our toes to anticipate moments. To make it possible everything should be portable. No heavy tripods and jibs. Most of the time my shots were handheld. With the edit, thay wanted you (the viewers) to feel what we felt and hear what we heard during that day. To be engaged with what you see and hear with the film that we have put together and not with the music we have mixed with it (to prevent it from becoming like a music video). For you to feel the real celebration and experience everyone’s state of emotion during that moment. It was a challenging task but it’s a challenge I wanted to face head on. Here’s their wedding film… keeping it real and heartfelt.
Photography Paul Vincent Photography